DAVE ONOKPA ELECTRICAL SERVICES CO. (NIG) LTD. is a well established and reputable organisation of well oriented and competent professional team who came into business in 1992 as a Service Company. After years of successful operation, the company metamorphosed into several companies for operational efficiency.


The company was registered at the Corporate Affairs Commission under the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990 on the 1st day of June, 1991. Within the period of her commencement of business, the company has grown tremendously and therefore has the capacity to handle large projects. The company is managed by qualified and experienced staff that has acquired all basic experience for her operations. With a developed maintenance system and financing power, we have continuously executed our projects with skill and timely efficiency that have always left our footprints in the industry.


DAVE ONOKPA ELECTRICAL SERVICES CO. (NIG) LTD. is committed to providing excellent services at affordable technical expertise and sustaining a development based network for the industry. We recognizes the excellent potential for a full service engineering and construction company in Nigeria, and are poised to provide excellent and comprehensive services, tailored to the requirements of the corporate, as well as, individual customer, by enforcing efficient and professional engineering services in all areas of our business. Emphasis is placed on Quality Engineering and Construction services, with flexibility to conform to Owner’s specific requirements, all on a competitive basis. Our main objective is the satisfaction of our clients and reaching the industry peak with highly integrated and qualitatively packaged menu of products and services.


The major objective of the company is the provision of the highest standard of services to her customers in Nigeria and beyond at affordable rates. We are one of the stake holders in engineering development in Nigeria and Nigerian economy in general. In DAVE ONOKPA Electricals., we aspire to move the organisation to great height in project quality, efficiency and timely delivery for engineering excellence, e.g Civil Construction Works, site preparations for drilling locations, Mechanical works and Electrical Engineering works. The company therefore identifies herself with the objective of technological development in Nigeria. Our goal is always geared to service satisfaction of our clients towards achieving reasonable profit.

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